About Us

Whether a large or small company it is realized that, the right amount of financing, materials, talent, and experience are not enough to succeed without a good communication system in place that enables smooth transaction sealing.

Communications is at the heart of regional and international integration, with the development of an efficient, cost effective and technologically advanced communications infrastructure essential to Nigeria’s success in the global market. With the economies of most countries becoming increasingly sophisticated and knowledge-intensive, there is a greater need for the existence of an efficient network that will provide and enable decision-makers with access to timely and accurate data to facilitate decision making.

Our Services

Health, Safety &

Engineering, Procurement And Construction Management (EPCM) Solutions

Your design/build initiatives will be easier to oversee when they’re delivered with the consistency and added accountability of a single-source provider like Digitech Solutions. Our in-house team delivers smart, responsive, end-to-end engineering, procurement, and construction solutions for small to medium-sized process plants and systems, including project management, permitting, and estimating. Since many of our projects call on our complete EPC capabilities, we are able to keep costs—and risks—low. Better yet, we're able to gain a holistic view of your project, considering overall facility performance with every service we deliver.

Count on seasoned engineering expertise in highly specialized industries. Digitech Solutions’ registered civil, mechanical, chemical, electrical, safety, and fire protection engineers specialize in delivering cost-effective engineering and design services to customers in heavily regulated industries, such as:

Water and waste water treatment—Access deep experience and comprehensive services for your industrial water treatment systems.

Government facilities—Bring Digitech Solutions’ specialized knowledge and government experience to the table for responsive and insightful design/build of your facilities. Ensure the success of your project with expert procurement.

Health, Safety & Environment(HSE)

The long-term business success of digitech solutions depends on our ability to continually improve the quality of our services and products while protecting people and the environment. We place emphasis on ensuring human health, operational safety, environmental protection, quality enhancement and community goodwill. This commitment we believe is in the best interest of our customers, employees and contractors and other stakeholders.

digitech solutions requires the active commitment to and accountability for HSE from all employees and contractors. Management has a leading role in the implementation, communication and compliance with the company HSE policies and standards.

Quality Assurance

DIGITECH SOLUTIONS. has it as a matter of policy to perform their duties in a way that quality standard is achieved. The Company hope to achieve through the use of competent personnel as well as line management control / Supervision.

This Quality Assurance Manual specifies the quality system requirements applicable to all personnel who manage, perform and very work affecting quality whether employed directly or indirectly by Digitech Solutions. In this vein, it is the responsibility of the company to ensure that workers performing works for the company have a quality system, which satisfies the requirements of this manual.

Recent Projects


+234 1 462 1433
+44 751 551 0742
Suite 100 Dolphin Plaza
Dolphin Estate Lagos.
(P.O. Box 50644 Falomo Ikoyi Lagos)